Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Who I am

  I am nobody important.  Just another person trying to get by in a world that isn't always that kind.  I have way to many medical issues to even begin to start explaining them all in one post.  Today though I would like to talk about the fact that I am slowly bleeding to death.

  How is that possible in today's day and time?  I wonder that on an almost daily basis.  It would seem I am in desperate need of a hysterectomy and I have two Dr's who say I will die without this surgery.  However my insurance company is not convinced.  They have denied me the right to have the surgery so the hospital wont even let me in the hospital doors.

  I think it is absolutely crazy that these people have absolute control over whether I live or die.  The really funny part is back before everyone was required to have insurance I would have been able to get into the hospital and paid a monthly payment until the surgery was paid for but now thanks to the new laws I seem to have no options.

  My surgery was actually scheduled for today.  I should be in recovery right now trying to slowly heal and to feel better but yesterday my insurance company sent the call out that said " Yeah you gave us all this documentation showed us all the test gave us the testimony of two Dr's showed us the sonograms but ya know we don't believe it sorry rejected no surgery."  So I'm sitting here at home with nowhere to turn frustrated and writing a blog cause at this point I guess there is nothing more I can do.

  It took ten years for me to find help with my thyroid condition and I barely survived that ordeal Its rather doubtful Ill survive through the next year if I have to fight my insurance company this whole time.

  Tomorrow I am off to my obgyn again who is going to do another pelvic exam and another sonogram and then schedule a phone call with my insurance company Dr in the hopes she can convince him to allow her to save my life.  This is so sad it could truly only be happening in my life.

Well enough of my venting today.  I hope everyone else is having a good day and is able to find help when they are in need.  Hugs to all.


  1. ..hugs.. always here for you..Wish I could do more...

    J xXx

  2. This is awful, i really can not begin to understand the injustices of the world that we live in.
    You are a very brave lady indeed! X

  3. It is really aweful to think that these insurance companies can do this to a person. I had a hysterectomy a few years ago, and for less reason than this.
    I am sharing your story in the hope it will bring issues like this to light.
    Here's hoping they will correct this injustice very soon.

  4. It is really aweful to think that these insurance companies can do this to a person. I had a hysterectomy a few years ago, and for less reason than this.
    I am sharing your story in the hope it will bring issues like this to light.
    Here's hoping they will correct this injustice very soon.
