Thursday, May 19, 2016


Its 3 hours until time to go to the hospital.  That is if they don't call me and cancel it again.  I wish I could sleep but my nerves are pretty much keeping me up and my head is killing me from a stress.  I really hope that after the surgery and I wake up in a lot of pain that I can convince myself this has all been worth it.

I have learned a few things though.  If your insurance company ever gives you the run around threatened to file a civil rights case against them.  It apparently puts them in high gear to fix things.  After I threatened to do that with my insurance company was only a few hours later I got a call from their grievance consultant who told me a new way to handle things and then the letter I got from them was very much different then the first one that turned me down.

Just my luck I'm having a lovely allergy attack and can't take any medicine for it cause it's to close to my surgery time.  Leave it to me to always do things the hard way.  lol

Well just wanted to post a quick note saying I'm on my way and hopeing that it does make things better and not worse.  Hugs to all.

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