Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Back and Forth.

  I have spent several days on the phone all day talking to one person then the next.  Its hard to believe just how much run around one company can give you.  I swear every single person I have talked to has given me a different story.

  I really wish I had done more research before we had picked this insurance company.  As I research it now all I can find is one bad review after the next.

  Today I finally had enough and I demanded to talk to their hipaa/privacy officer.  They of course refused to allow me to do so.  I reminded them that it is federal law and I have a rite to talk to this person and if they didn't let me then I was going to be filing a civil rights suit against them.  I was put on hold and then told that my complaint had been sent to their grievance department and they would contact me.  Funny enough the really nice lady I had been talking to seemed to suddenly not be so nice anymore.  I think It may be possible I have now been labeled a trouble maker in my file with them.

  The insurance company kept swearing to me today that a peer to peer between my Dr and theirs was already scheduled on a day and time.  When I demanded to know the day and time they told me they weren't allowed to tell me that information.

  I called my Dr and talked to the lady who has been helping me there who got rather upset over the fact they where swearing a date and time was set up when they hadn't allowed her to set one up when she keeps trying.

  I believe she called my insurance company herself after that and shortly after the grievance department called me.  Left voice mail for me to call them so I did.  Funny it went straight to a person no computer with annoying menu's to enter a ton of information on like they always made me do.  Anyway long story short I was told the fastest way to handle this situation was for me to resubmit all the information one more time and that it would be handed to a different Dr to approve or deny me.

  I asked if this wouldn't just lead to another peer to peer that we can not ever seem to be able to set up.  She assured me it wouldn't and that i should have an answer within a week.  So here I go again waiting for another week praying they wont let me die.

  I really dislike this insurance company and I hate the law that required me to have to pay them every month when they cover nothing.  Sorry for the short vent.  Hope every one is doing well.  Hugs to all.

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